About Me

“Anyone who thinks the sky is the limit,has limited imagination.” – James Clerk Maxwell

I graduated from Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering with First Class Honours at Jadavpur University in 2019. I was also an undergraduate researcher at computer vision lab at my institute. In my 4th Yr., I was associated with Neptune Lab (JU-DRDO Joint Lab) for my bachelor thesis research work.

I’m an AI & Deep Learning Enthusiast. I am intrigued by with its applications in Human Computer and Robot Interaction research. To pursue my interests, I have been involved in a number of projects on Machine Learning, Computer Vision, NLP and Robotics.I am particulary interested in Multimodal Machine Learning problems. Apart from my research work, I also worked at different start-ups/companies gain more practical experiance.I also worked on some electronics projects as a member of team on Sensor Designing.

Well, during leisure, I like to listen music (from different countries), read books (mostly thriller ones) etc.I also like to travel and have some interest in art, design.

My Research Interests : Robotics, Computer vision, 3D Point Cloud Processing, Machine Learning and its Applications, Natural Language Processing